Solar Panel Equipment Supplies and Installation Specialist

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016

On 17.51 by ayuhobbies   No comments
-DJI Phantom 3 Lipo Battery
-DJI Phantom 2 Lipo Battery
Brand New in Box 
Original DJI
#Jual batre Phantom murah
#Jual batre Phantom murah bandung
#Jual batre Phantom 2 murah bandung
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#Jual batre Phantom 4 murah bandung
#Jual batre Phantom ori bandung
#Jual batre Phantom bandung

'enjoy life is enjoy your hobbies'
Further info please visit
Telp : 022-87777344
Hot Line / WA : 0811.220.2325
Pin BB : 5D96A682

On 17.49 by ayuhobbies   No comments

DJI Phantom 3 dan Phantom 4
Brand New in Box
#Jual Phantom 3 Bandung 
#Jual Phantom 3 professional Bandung
#Jual Phantom 3 advanced Bandung
#Jual Phantom 3 standar Bandung
#Jual Phantom 4 murah bandung
#Jual Phantom 4 Bandung
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#Jual Phantom 3 advance murah bandung
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#Jual Phantom 3 pro murah Bandung
#Jual Phantom 3 pro murah
#Jasa ajarin terbang phantom bandung
#Jasa terbang phantom bandung
#beli phantom gratis ajarin terbang phantom sampai bisa

'enjoy life is enjoy your hobbies'
Further info please visit
Telp : 022-87777344
Hot Line / WA : 0811.220.2325
Pin BB : 5D96A682

On 17.45 by ayuhobbies   No comments
DJI Phantom 3 - Hardshell Backpack ORI
Brand New in Box
#Jual Tas DJI Phantom 3
#Jual Tas Phantom 3
#Jual Tas Phantom 3 ori
#Jual Hardshell Phantom 3 ori
#Jual BackPack Hardshell Phantom 3 

'enjoy life is enjoy your hobbies'
Further info please visit
Telp : 022-87777344
Hot Line / WA : 0811.220.2325
Pin BB : 5D96A682

On 17.41 by ayuhobbies   No comments
MYLAPS RC4 "3-Wire" Direct Powered Personal Transponder
Brand New in Box
#Jual Transponder Mylaps murah
#Jual Transponder Mylaps bandung

'enjoy life is enjoy your hobbies'
Further info please visit
Telp : 022-87777344
Hot Line / WA : 0811.220.2325
Pin BB : 5D96A682

On 17.39 by ayuhobbies   No comments

Brand New in Box

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#jual reciever sanwa waterproof

'enjoy life is enjoy your hobbies'
Further info please visit
Telp : 022-87777344
Hot Line / WA : 0811.220.2325
Pin BB : 5D96A682

Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

On 08.11 by ayuhobbies   No comments
GoPro HERO 3 & 3+ waterproof housing dan Remote Wifi

kondisi seken
Jual casing waterproof gopro original murah dengan remote Wifi nya
minus remote wifi nya harus di ganti batre nya, masih berfungsi apabila sambil di charge
only 300K

'enjoy life is enjoy your hobbies'
Further info please visit
Telp : 022-87777344
Hot Line / WA : 0811.220.2325
Pin BB : 5D96A682

On 08.05 by ayuhobbies   No comments
Jual Charger dan Batre Gopro Hero 3 & 3+

Jual batre gopro hero 3
Jual charger gopro hero 3

Kondisi seken
merk Wasabi
kelengkapan :
1 charger dan dapat 2 batre

Harga 500ribu
'enjoy life is enjoy your hobbies'
Further info please visit
Telp : 022-87777344
Hot Line / WA : 0811.220.2325
Pin BB : 518B89BA

On 07.57 by ayuhobbies   No comments
Waterproof Housing Case for GoPro Hero 3 & 3+

Jual casing waterproof gopro murah
Jual Rumah Gopro waterproof
Jual Rumah Gopro anti air

Casing anti air untuk action camera GoPro Hero 3 & 3+. Bentuk dan kualitas case ini sama dengan case original GoPro, cocok digunakan sebagai casing cadangan untuk berjaga-jaga casing GoPro Anda rusak.


Slim and Lightweight Design.
Memiliki bentuk yang kecil dan ringan persis seperti casing original GoPro Hero 3 & 3+.

Waterproof Up To 40m Underwater.
Dengan case ini Anda dapat menggunakan GoPro untuk merekam aksi bawah laut seperti saat sedang diving dan snorkling. Dapat bertahan hingga kedalaman 40 meter dibawah air.

Cold Resistant
Tahan terhadap cuaca dingin, dapat digunakan didaerah dingin seperti gunung.

Waterproof Housing Case ini digunakan untuk GoPro Hero 3 & 3+.

'enjoy life is enjoy your hobbies'
Further info please visit
Telp : 022-87777344
Hot Line / WA : 0811.220.2325
Pin BB : 518B89BA